We have large numbers of these bees feeding on the ivy in the garden. Presumably, there is a nest nearby.
The Ivy Bee was first recorded in the UK in 2001, and has now been found in much of Southern England and Wales, and in the Channel Islands. As suggested by its common name, Ivy is the main plant used by this bee for pollen. It is seen when Ivy is in flower, from early September to early November. Ivy Bees nest in loose, light or sandy soil on southern-facing banks and cliffs with Ivy nearby for foraging. They are solitary bees, but when conditions are suitable, there may be thousands of nests in the same area.
Reference: Kent Wildlife Trust
Country: UK
Location: Garden, Beckenham, Kent
Family: Colletidae
Species: Ivy Bee (Colletes hederae)
Date taken: 19/09/2022