Green-eared Barbet

Green-eared Barbet
Green-eared Barbet

Green-eared Barbet Psilopogon faiostricta was seen on 3 separate days in Thailand with four individuals seen at Kaeng Krachan. The photos were taken at distance in poor light and have been cropped significantly but the species is identifiable. Key features can be seen as follows: dark line through the eye and dark lores; green ear coverts; green mantle and streak cap, throat and upper breast.

Green-eared Barbet is a resident breeder in southern China, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. It is a species of broad leaf evergreen and mixed or open woodlands at up to 900 m altitude. It nests in a tree hole.

Reference: Wikipedia

Country: Thailand
Location: Kaeng Krachan National Park
Family: Asian Barbets (Megalaimidae)
Species: Green-eared Barbet (Megalaima faiostricta)
Date taken: 05/12/2016